The science team of VenSpec-U, as a core component of the VenSpec suite, is shared between all three VenSpec channels (VenSpec-M, VenSpec-H and VenSpec-U). A complete list is available here. Here below is an excerpt of this list restricted to permanent staff members based in French institutions.

Non permanent staff can enjoy the status of collaborator rather than co-investigators (co-I), which is equivalent but has to be proposed by a permanent member of the VenSpec suite, and automatically revocated when the temporary position ends. The list can be found below.

List of French-based permanent science team members
Name Institution Status Relevant expertise
Emmanuel MARCQ LATMOS / UVSQ ILS -U SO₂ retrievals with SPICAV-UV/VEx
Jérémie LASUE IRAP / OMP co-ILS -U Radiative scattering in particulate matter
Sandrine VINATIER LESIA / CNRS co-ILS -U Radiative transfer in atmospheres
Thomas WIDEMANN LESIA / UVSQ co-ILS -M Venus atmosphere observations
Franck MONTMESSIN LATMOS / CNRS Instr. Scientist UV spectrometry
Slimane BEKKI LATMOS / CNRS Collaborator Comparison with Earth's stratospheric sulfured aerosols
Jean-Yves CHAUFRAY LATMOS / CNRS co-I Aeronomic emissions
Sébastien LEBONNOIS LMD / CNRS co-I Venus climate simulations
Franck LEFÈVRE LATMOS / CNRS co-I Chemical atmospheric modeling
Anni MÄÄTTÄNEN LATMOS / CNRS co-I Microphysical modeling
Aymeric SPIGA LMD / Sorbonne U. co-I Mesoscale modeling
Olivia VENOT LISA / CNRS co-I Laboratory Spectroscopy
List of French-based non permanent science team collaborators
Name Institution Status Relevant expertise
Lucile CONAN LATMOS/CNES/DIM ORIGINES PhD student VeSUV performance assessment
Maxence LEFÈVRE LATMOS/Marie Curie fellow Post-doctoral scientist Mesoscale modeling